Advanced Pill Dispenser Features: e-pill Dosage Window, Fill Cycle, Daily Dosages, Log File etc

Professional Dosage Window
Automated Pill Machines
Advanced e-pill Features

We offer a wide range of automatic e-pill dispensers. They range in price ($300 - $900), number of dispensing events per day (alarms), fill cycle (number of days in between fills), pill capacity (usually measured in number of regular aspirin sized tablets that can be administered (fit in the medication cassette) for each scheduled event, and set-up complexity. All our e-pill automated pill machines are very easy to use for the average patient with minimal or no training required. (click to enlarge image)

  • HOME use / INSTITUTIONAL use Compare Home Automatic Pill Dispensers
  • (e-pill MD1, e-pill MD2, e-pill M2 PLUS, e-pill MD3)
  • PORTABLE us PD1 e-pill medimi | PD2 e-pill Med-O-Wheel SMART | PD2 PLUS e-pill Med-O-Wheel SECURE Portable Automatic Pill Dispensers.

  • FEATURES: Some of the most important features of an e-pill automatic pill dispenser (locked automatic / automated dispensers for oral solid medications) for Home, Institutional or Portable use are:

  • LOCKED to restrict patient access to the e-pill dispenser. Devices are locked with a metal key (two keys are always included with your locked e-pill dispenser).
  • AUTOMATIC (electro mechanical mechanism) to restrict access to only one set of medications at a time (or in some cases only one tablet at a time).
  • TIMED with one (1) up to twenty-eight (28) alarms (medication events) per day.
  • ALARMED with a loud Sound (ALARM), loud Melody (ALARM), loud Voice (ALARM), blinking light (VISUAL ALARM) to act as a reminder for the patient to take medications.
  • ALARM VOLUME (decibel). Ability to control volume and to turn off sound.
  • ALARM TONE. Ability to change sound characteristics (frequency) to compensate for patient hearing loss.
  • EARLY DOSE (BEFORE) giving the patient access to the next medications (scheduled dose) before the scheduled time.
  • DOSAGE TIME (scheduled dosage time)
  • ALARM WINDOW (AFTER) an interval usually 60 minutes during which the alarm sounds / rings.
  • DOSAGE WINDOW (defined as EARLY DOSE + DOSAGE TIME) an interval (120 minutes or until the next dose is scheduled) during which medication can be taken.
  • SAFETY TIME (only offered on some e-pill automatic pill dispenser devices) is a minimum time allowed between subsequent dosages (medication events).
  • HISTORY is an historical record (log file / RECORD) that shows the date and time of each dispense (actual dispensing time). Some e-pill dispenser models allows remote access to this log file (dispensing history).
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