Activating the Patient Improving Patient Activation, Medication Adherence and Medication Compliance

Activating the Patient
Improving Medication Adherence
The Adherence Journey / Patient Activation: Now the patient has your drug (or a slip of paper giving permission to obtain your drug) in hand. The patient can now partake in the great miracle of modern medicinal chemistry. They can begin to reap the benefits of an efficacious and safe therapy, deemed so by years of clinical data.
And yet, many don’t. | Learn about: Medication Adherence | Learn about: Cost Savings & e-pill Reminders
Whether they never get the drug, they fail to take it, they miss days, they start but stop because they don’t think it’s working or find a side effect unpleasant, patients fail to adhere at all different stages for countless reasons. Many are just forgetful.
Author Casey McDonald / Pharmaceutical Executive August 2015.
Activating the Patient Improving Patient Activation, Medication Adherence and Patient Compliance. Aug 17, 2015 By Casey McDonald Pharmaceutical Executive Volume 35, Issue 8: Activation-Patient-Activating-Medication-Adherence-Patient-Compliance)