Apple Watch vs. CADEX Watch when used as an alarm watch for medications and other medicines

Apple Watch vs. CADEX Watch
The CADEX alarm watch does not require a computer to set up- all settings are changed using the 4 buttons on the sides of the watch face. Up to 12 Alarms can be programmed into the watch. The alarms automatically reset themselves and go off every day at the programmed times. The watch beeps when it is time for medications to be taken.
An optional text message specifying the name of the medication can scroll across the screen as the alarm goes off.
The user has the option of confirming that the meds have been taken, or pressing an alternate button to set the alarm to "Medical Snooze".
There are many Medication Reminder Apps available for Smartphones and Smartwatches. An example is the WebMD designed for the Apple Watch. This App allows the user to view their daily medication schedule with images, dosages, and times. The user is notified when it is time to take their medication on a daily basis. Patients with complex regimens can greatly benefit from using an e-pill Daily or Weekly Pill Box with their reminder App.
The Apple Watch has an unlimited number of daily alarms, the CADEX has 12. The CADEX watch has a battery life of 1 year, the Apple Watch has a battery life of less than a day. The Apple Watch costs $349, plus the cost of an Apple iPhone. The e-pill CADEX watch allows medical emergency personnel to press a button on the face of the watch to display important Medical Information.