Buprenorphine Locked Pill Dispenser

Prevent Double Dosing and Keep Medications Safe
If you or a loved one are currently taking Buprenorphine, you might be asking yourself what the best way to monitor and administer Buprenorphine is? The first primary concern is the safety of the patient. It is essential to prevent double dosing.
Some situations require a highly tamper-resistant product. The e-pill Safe is a locking automatic pill dispenser. It has a robust metal outer shell with four independent locks. This system enables individuals to stay independent and gives them far greater protection than other solutions. We developed the system to be a key component in helping patients, families, and healthcare professionals treat opiate addiction.
The metal case blocks access to the automatic pill dispenser and its medication tray. This creates a genuinely tamper-resistant environment – significantly inhibiting a patient’s ability to gain access to their Buprenorphine ahead of the scheduled time. Patients will only have access to the current dose, and all other doses remain locked inside.
When managing chronic addiction, consistency is essential. Getting the correct dose at the right time allows individuals to regain active lives and fully recover. The treatment length for drug addiction ranges from at least 12 months to multiple years [1]. It is well worth investing in the proper medication adherence device to ensure adequate rehabilitation treatment.
Most pill dispensers available on the market are intended to help users remember to take their medicines on time and are not secure enough to dispense narcotics like Buprenorphine. Regular automatic pill dispensers often have a lock feature, but this does not mean they are tamper-resistant.
The e-pill SAFE keeps medication organized by dispensing Buprenorphine on a pre-set schedule. The e-pill Safe pill dispenser is ready to remind & dispense methadone tablets Once or Twice (up to 6 times) per Day.
Never forget to take or take too many Buprenorphine pills again and stay on the pre-planned schedule. • 1 medication time per day – refill tray every 28 days (4 weeks!) • 2 medication times per day – refill tray every 14 days (2 weeks!) • 3 medication times per day – refill tray every 9 days • 4 medication times per day – refill tray every 7 days (once per week!) • 5 medication times per day – refill tray every 5 days • 6 medication times per day – refill tray every 4 days
[1] https://nida.nih.gov/publications/principles-drug-addiction-treatment-research-based-guide-third-edition/frequently-asked-questions/how-long-does-drug-addiction-treatment-usually-last