e-pill CompuMed How-It-Works Video

Frequently Asked Questions
The e-pill® CompuMed® Medication Reminder, Medication Dispenser and Management System automatically dispenses the proper medication at the right time. All other medicine is locked in a tamper resistant medication dispenser cassette. At preset times medication is automatically dispensed into an easily accessed drawer. FAQ | Video: How to Program CompuMed VIDEO.
ORDER your e-pill CompuMed. More DISPENSERS
When medicine is dispensed, an audio alarm sounds and instructions appear on a screen (i.e. "Take with food"). Click below to watch YouTube video: How the e-pill CompuMed works:
The e-pill® CompuMed® Medication Reminder, Medication Dispenser and Management System automatically dispenses the proper medication at the right time. All other medicine is locked in a tamper resistant medication dispenser cassette. At preset times medication is automatically dispensed into an easily accessed drawer. FAQ | Video: How to Program CompuMed VIDEO.
When medicine is dispensed, an audio alarm sounds and instructions appear on a screen (i.e. "Take with food"). Click below to watch YouTube video: How the e-pill CompuMed works: