Automated Pill Dispenser - Annual Cost Savings $5,400

Annual Cost Savings $5,400 per Automated Pill Dispenser.
(Automated pill dispenser - study findings - Automatic pill dispenser)
Two biggest areas of cost savings (achieved by using an automatic pill dispenser according to this NHS study) were:
VIDEO Pill Machine Medicine Reminder
"The right pills at the right time delivering the right outcomes"
Automated Pill Dispenser
Summary of Study Findings (NHS Midlands and East Project Executive Summary):
1. The pill dispenser is highly effective in helping vulnerable adults remember to take their medication. Of those asked, 96% said it worked and resulted in improved health, more independence and a better quality of life
2. Although the device is aimed at people with poor memory, such as those with Alzheimer’s and dementia, it also benefited patients with Parkinson’s, mental health issues, learning difficulties, physical difficulties, patients with long-term medical conditions on a daily pill regime, and the visually impaired.
3. The data collected showed significant savings have been achieved. In total the participants generated savings of £431k, an average of £1,700 per person over a six month period (annual cost savings of $5,400 per each Automated Pill Dispenser).
4. The two largest areas of savings are from reductions in medication prompting visits at the patient’s home and reduced hospital re-admissions for those on the pill dispenser. Home visits amounted to £107k i.e. 52% of total social care savings, and hospital admissions amounted to £151k and i.e. 68% of total health savings.