e-pill MedTime SAFE How-It-Works Video

Click below (arrow in picture) to see the video and learn how this Tamper Resistant Pill Dispenser / e-pill Tamper resistant Automatic Pill Dispenser from e-pill works: e-pill MedTime SAFE SKU 998034 and SKU 998024 (video shows older design - click here for NEW Design) / Video of New Design)
The e-pill MedTime SAFE (SKU 998034 / UPC 837066000527 / e-pill MedTime SAFE Portable Tamperresistant Automatic Pill Dispenser with Secure Locks) is a popular tamper resistant locked e-pill Automatic Pill Dispenser (Medications) and Reminder System for tablets & capsules (pill dispenser / automatic medication dispenser). This locked med box works well for patients on pain medications, psych meds or Class II / Class III narcotics, Methadone (tablets), Buprenorphine (sublingual tablets) or any patient with a history of wanting to take too many medications / or taking them too frequently.
ORDER | More information about the e-pill Tamper-Resistant SAFE Locked Automatic Medication Dispenser: Manual | FAQ (Questions)
VIDEO How-It-Works | MedTime SAFE CENTER
More e-pill Medication Dispensers | ALL e-pills
VIDEO: e-pill MedTime SAFE Tamper Resistant Portable Automatic Pill Dispenser with Multiple Locks
The e-pill MedTime SAFE (SKU 998034 / UPC 837066000527 / e-pill MedTime SAFE Portable Tamperresistant Automatic Pill Dispenser with Secure Locks) is a popular tamper resistant locked e-pill Automatic Pill Dispenser (Medications) and Reminder System for tablets & capsules (pill dispenser / automatic medication dispenser). This locked med box works well for patients on pain medications, psych meds or Class II / Class III narcotics, Methadone (tablets), Buprenorphine (sublingual tablets) or any patient with a history of wanting to take too many medications / or taking them too frequently.
More e-pill Medication Dispensers | ALL e-pills