e-pill in Fortune Small Business Magazine NANATECHNOLOGY

Fortune Small Business.
Technology as a way for Grandma to keep living her life even as she becomes forgetful
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Story written by Phoung Ly / Photography by Lisa Wyatt
Many companies tout their technology as a way for Grandma to keep living her life even as she becomes forgetful. E-pill, based outside Boston, sells electronic medication reminders disguised in wristwatches and pagers. Some of the most popular items are watches with six to 12 vibrating alarms and an alert button that will display the wearer's name, medical information, and emergency contacts.
For customers who are less active, there's the MD2 dispenser, which works like a gumball machine. Pills roll out in cups at preprogrammed times, and if they aren't taken within a certain period, the $900 machine will call the patient's son, daughter, or other caregiver. E-pill founder and president Stefan Solvell says the small company began selling in 1999 and has been profitable since 2001.