Compare Automatic Pill Dispensers

Compare Automatic Pill Dispensers

Locked pill dispensers / pill organizers with alarm are designed for patients who have a complicated regimen and may accidentally double-dose. Click on the picture of each automatic pill dispenser for more information. A locked e-pill machine is the answer for anyone with a COMPLICATED DISPENSING SCHEDULE or requiring LOCKED access to medications.

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Compare Tamper-Resistant Automatic Pill Dispensers

Tamper resistant automatic pill dispensers / pill organizers with strong locks are designed for patients taking pain medication, are in drug rehabilitation or using prescriptions that may be addictive. They are suitable for home, clinic use or drug rehab. Click on the picture of each tamper-resistant automatic pill dispenser for more information.

MedTime Safe Compumed Safe

Never forget to take your medications again with an automatic electronic locked medication dispenser from e-pill Medication Reminders with No Monthly Fees.

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What is an Automatic Pill Dispenser and How Does it Work? Learn Pill Dispenser 101 by clicking here!

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e-pill Medication Reminders
49 Walnut Street, Building 4A
Wellesley, MA 02481 USA
1-800-549-0095 · 1-781-239-2941
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