Order Form (to Mail or Fax to us +1-781-235-3252)
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Payment by: ___ Personal Check / Money Order enclosed ___ Charge my credit card
___MasterCard ___VISA ___AMEX ___Discover
Exp. Date: _________ Security Code: _______ Signature: _____________________________
Please send me: (We can ship to a different address - please indicate)
_____ e-pill Vibrating PILL BOX 4 Daily Alarms. Medication Reminder and pillbox combination ($39.95 includes batteries)
_____ e-pill Multi-Alarm PLUS Easy-to-Set Medication Reminder and Pillbox ($49.95 complete w/ batteries)
_____ e-pill Multi-Alarm HOME Easy-to-Set Medication Reminder Refrigerator Magnet Timer ($49.95 complete w/ batteries)
_____ e-pill CADEX Beep Alarm + Text Message 12 Alarm Wristwatch & Electronic Medication Alert Bracelet ($139.95 /rubber strap. Color: __ Silver __ Black __ Pediatric)
_____ e-pill CADEX LEATHER 12 Alarm Watch. Beep + Text 12 Alarm Watch & Electronic Medication Alert Bracelet ($139.95)
_____ e-pill Woman CADEX Platinum 12 Alarm Watch Women's Watch ($139.95)
_____ e-pill Vibrating CADEX VibraPlus Eight (8) Alarm Vibration & Sound Alarm Watch ($99.95)
_____ Watch Accessory ($9.95):
__ Pendant kit __ Blue strap __ Red strap __ Diabetes __ Medical Condition __ Brown strap __ Velcro Strap (Black) __ CADEX Original Strap
_____ e-pill MedTime STATION Automatic Dispenser complete ($289.95 w/batteries, medication tray, lock w/ key, prescription card, manual)
_____ e-pill Med-Time XL Reminder & Automatic Dispenser complete ($389.95 w/batteries, 2 medication trays, lock w/ key (2), prescription card, manual)
_____ e-pill MedSmart Reminder & Automatic Dispenser with Early Dose Feature. Complete ($489.95 w/ AC adapter, 2 medication trays, lock w/ key (2), docking station, 4 AA batteries, manual)
_____ e-pill MedSmart PLUS Monitored Reminder & Automatic Dispenser with Early Dose Feature. FREE Monitoring Service by Phone, e-mail or Text message included. NO MONTHLY FEES. Complete ($789.95 w/ AC adapter, 2 medication trays, lock w/ key (2), docking station with modem, phone cord, 4 AA batteries, manual)
_____ e-pill CompuMed Reminder & Automatic Dispenser complete ($844.95 with AC adapter, 2 medication trays, lock w/ key (2), back-up batteries, manual)
_____ e-pill 7-Day Organizer & Reminder WORLD's BEST! ($59.95 canvas case, 7 high capacity organizers, electronic reminder
_____ e-pill Timex DAILY Medication Manager ($39.95 w/batteries, 1 Organizer)
_____ e-pill WEEKLY Medication Manager Complete Seven Day System ($54.95 /batteries, 7 Organizers, Holder)
_____ e-pill 12 Alarm Pager Vibrating Multi-Alarm Reminder (12 Alarms). Carry it in your pocket, purse or on your belt. ($75.95 w/batteries and Belt Clip)
_____ e-pill (write in the device you are looking for below, select from 53 different e-pill Medication Reminders found at www.epill.com):
e-pill (listing of ALL e-pill® devices)
_____ Mass residents please add 6.25% Sales Tax please.
_____ Shipping and Handling. FREE Standard Shipping (U.S. customers only, Outside US $15.00/order)
_____ ORDER TOTAL .... My Time-Zone: ______ (for FREE set-up)
e-pill® Medication Reminders
49 Walnut Street, Bldg. 4
Wellesley, MA 02481, USA
FAX ORDERS: Fax: (781) 235-3252
PHONE ORDERS: 1-800-549-0095
(International orders +1 781-239-2941)
Shipping & Handling: FREE in the US by Standard Shipping, Outside US $15.00/order
Fax 1-781-235-3252 or Mail Order if you do not want to order on-line.
Your choice: Order ON-LINE: (via our secure link) by clicking order next to the item you want to purchase (do not forget to check-out) or
City.....:_____________________________ Phone: ______________
Zip......:__________________State or Country:______________________
Payment by: ___ Personal Check / Money Order enclosed ___ Charge my credit card
___MasterCard ___VISA ___AMEX ___Discover
Exp. Date: _________ Security Code: _______ Signature: _____________________________
Please send me: (We can ship to a different address - please indicate)
_____ e-pill Vibrating PILL BOX 4 Daily Alarms. Medication Reminder and pillbox combination ($39.95 includes batteries)
_____ e-pill Multi-Alarm PLUS Easy-to-Set Medication Reminder and Pillbox ($49.95 complete w/ batteries)
_____ e-pill Multi-Alarm HOME Easy-to-Set Medication Reminder Refrigerator Magnet Timer ($49.95 complete w/ batteries)
_____ e-pill CADEX Beep Alarm + Text Message 12 Alarm Wristwatch & Electronic Medication Alert Bracelet ($139.95 /rubber strap. Color: __ Silver __ Black __ Pediatric)
_____ e-pill CADEX LEATHER 12 Alarm Watch. Beep + Text 12 Alarm Watch & Electronic Medication Alert Bracelet ($139.95)
_____ e-pill Woman CADEX Platinum 12 Alarm Watch Women's Watch ($139.95)
_____ e-pill Vibrating CADEX VibraPlus Eight (8) Alarm Vibration & Sound Alarm Watch ($99.95)
_____ Watch Accessory ($9.95):
__ Pendant kit __ Blue strap __ Red strap __ Diabetes __ Medical Condition __ Brown strap __ Velcro Strap (Black) __ CADEX Original Strap
_____ e-pill MedTime STATION Automatic Dispenser complete ($289.95 w/batteries, medication tray, lock w/ key, prescription card, manual)
_____ e-pill Med-Time XL Reminder & Automatic Dispenser complete ($389.95 w/batteries, 2 medication trays, lock w/ key (2), prescription card, manual)
_____ e-pill MedSmart Reminder & Automatic Dispenser with Early Dose Feature. Complete ($489.95 w/ AC adapter, 2 medication trays, lock w/ key (2), docking station, 4 AA batteries, manual)
_____ e-pill MedSmart PLUS Monitored Reminder & Automatic Dispenser with Early Dose Feature. FREE Monitoring Service by Phone, e-mail or Text message included. NO MONTHLY FEES. Complete ($789.95 w/ AC adapter, 2 medication trays, lock w/ key (2), docking station with modem, phone cord, 4 AA batteries, manual)
_____ e-pill CompuMed Reminder & Automatic Dispenser complete ($844.95 with AC adapter, 2 medication trays, lock w/ key (2), back-up batteries, manual)
_____ e-pill 7-Day Organizer & Reminder WORLD's BEST! ($59.95 canvas case, 7 high capacity organizers, electronic reminder
_____ e-pill Timex DAILY Medication Manager ($39.95 w/batteries, 1 Organizer)
_____ e-pill WEEKLY Medication Manager Complete Seven Day System ($54.95 /batteries, 7 Organizers, Holder)
_____ e-pill 12 Alarm Pager Vibrating Multi-Alarm Reminder (12 Alarms). Carry it in your pocket, purse or on your belt. ($75.95 w/batteries and Belt Clip)
_____ e-pill (write in the device you are looking for below, select from 53 different e-pill Medication Reminders found at www.epill.com):
e-pill (listing of ALL e-pill® devices)
_____ Mass residents please add 6.25% Sales Tax please.
_____ Shipping and Handling. FREE Standard Shipping (U.S. customers only, Outside US $15.00/order)
_____ ORDER TOTAL .... My Time-Zone: ______ (for FREE set-up)
e-pill® Medication Reminders
49 Walnut Street, Bldg. 4
Wellesley, MA 02481, USA
(International orders +1 781-239-2941)
Shipping & Handling: FREE in the US by Standard Shipping, Outside US $15.00/order