Medication Dispenser MD.2 VA Study

The MD.2 Personal Medication System is an easy to use, reliable medication delivery system that simplifies medication organization and delivery, reminds individuals to take their medications on schedule and monitors compliance.
San Antonio Veterans Administration
VA MC Prosthetics e-pill Listing (commonly used e-pill devices)
Authors: Eva Downey RN, BS, M.Ed.
Lena K. Adams RN, C, BSN
Executive Summary
Integration of the MD.2 into the continuum of care for home based primary care and extended day care patients resulted in improved clinical markers. When implementing the MD.2 care must be taken to monitor therapeutic values as pre-implementation lab data may be reflective of non-adherent behaviors resulting in increased dosages. When medications are taken as prescribed lower doses may be effective. Nurse satisfaction with the MD.2 varies and may be relative to training and understanding of all continuum of care issues. Patient satisfaction was measured at 82% in terms of ease of use and helpfulness with managing medication. Hospital admissions appear to have been reduced with the MD.2. Caution should be used in interpretation of these findings. In addition to the MD 2 intervention, all participants in the pilot were receiving case management, nursing care, and medical management from the Home Based Primary Care (HBPC) Team. Hence, it is not possible to tell whether the positive findings for the MD 2 can be attributed to the medication administration device or to contemporaneous HBPC interventions.
RESULTS coming soon or contact the San Antonio Veterans Administration.
San Antonio Veterans Administration
VA MC Prosthetics e-pill Listing (commonly used e-pill devices)
Extended Care – MD.2 Personal Medication System - Pilot Study
Authors: Eva Downey RN, BS, M.Ed.
Lena K. Adams RN, C, BSN
Integration of the MD.2 into the continuum of care for home based primary care and extended day care patients resulted in improved clinical markers. When implementing the MD.2 care must be taken to monitor therapeutic values as pre-implementation lab data may be reflective of non-adherent behaviors resulting in increased dosages. When medications are taken as prescribed lower doses may be effective. Nurse satisfaction with the MD.2 varies and may be relative to training and understanding of all continuum of care issues. Patient satisfaction was measured at 82% in terms of ease of use and helpfulness with managing medication. Hospital admissions appear to have been reduced with the MD.2. Caution should be used in interpretation of these findings. In addition to the MD 2 intervention, all participants in the pilot were receiving case management, nursing care, and medical management from the Home Based Primary Care (HBPC) Team. Hence, it is not possible to tell whether the positive findings for the MD 2 can be attributed to the medication administration device or to contemporaneous HBPC interventions.
RESULTS coming soon or contact the San Antonio Veterans Administration.