Log-In Care-Givers / Users of e-pill MedSmart PLUS SKU 994019

Log-In Care-Givers / Users of e-pill MedSmart PLUS SKU 994019
Learn about e-pill MedSmart PLUS: How It Works | VIDEO | Dashboard | Manual | Healthy Aging | ORDER

e-pill MedSmart PLUS: Secure Log-In

This secure site is for registered MedSmart PLUS users only. If you would like to learn more about MedSmart model 660, visit MedSmart PLUS (https://www.epill.com/medsmartplus.html) Web page. Registered users can enter their Email and Password on the web site to access your account. Monitoring Web-site (https://link.hlink.com/MedSmart/Login.aspx) operated by Tunstall / AMAC.

Stand-alone e-pill MedSmart (SKU 993019): ORDER | Monitored e-pill MedSmart PLUS (SKU 994019): ORDER

Registered users who are experiencing login problems can contact our help desk at 1-800-853-1458 between the hours of 8:30 am and 7:00 pm (EST) via email at MedSmartSupport@tunstallamac.com. Thank you.
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