Tamper-Resistant Medication Storage
Pain Pill Addiction Management
Pain Pills: Pill Box or Pill Dispenser for Pain Pills (Pain Medications)
or Prescription Drugs with Abuse Potential
Are you or a loved one addicted to Rx Drugs / Prescription Drugs / Pain Medications? Help Assessing Prescription Drug Use Problems / Pain Pill Problems by taking this short test:
Answer these sometimes not so simple questions truthfully:
Have you ever felt the need to cut down on your use of prescription drugs / pain pills?
Have you ever felt annoyed by remarks your friends or loved ones made about
your use of prescription drugs / pain pills?
Have you ever felt guilty or remorseful about your use of prescription drugs / pain pills?
Have you ever used prescription drugs / pain pills as a way to calm down or get going (self medicate)?
Two or More positive answers may indicate probable drug addiction to your Rx prescription or pain medications. Please discuss the results with your doctor or other health care professional before taking any action.
Copyright: Adapted from Ewing, J.A. Detecting Alcoholism: The CAGE Questionnaire. Journal of the American Medical Association 252(14): 1905-1907, 1984