Automatic Pill Box or Pill Dispenser

Getting Started with an
Automatic Pill Dispenser or Automatic Pill Box
What is an e-pill Automatic Pill Dispenser?
Our standard e-pill Automatic Pill Dispenser or Automatic Pill Box (e-pill MD1) (SKU 991019) is a simple, easy-to-use device that organizes, reminds, dispenses and monitors daily medications helping individuals stay independent and at home. We also sell an All-In-One Automatic Pill Box (SKU 996024) device called the e-pill Station (with Tipper and Dispensing Cup). Tamper resistant / tamper proof locked automatic pill dispenser (SKU 998034). | VIDEO How e-pill Station Works.
How many days of medications will the e-pill Automatic Pill Dispenser hold?
The MD1 (e-pill Med-Time XL) for example can hold up to 28 days of medication (at 1 dose per day) with unlimited number of doses dispensed per day. Example with 4 dosages a day you need to refill this e-pill dispenser weekly (28 divided by 4). Each compartment in the medication tray containing a scheduled dose. Each dose can be up to 15 aspirin sized pills.
Do you have a video that shows me how to set-up the pill dispenser?
Yes we do, just follow this link: e-pill MD1 VIDEO | e-pill Station VIDEO
Is the e-pill easy to use?
Absolutely. Locked dispenser with a simple 28 cartridge design, multiple audible, visual (blinking light), and "no effort-to-open" medication dispensing compartments (only one compartment can be accessed at a time) make e-pill easy to use and operate.
How heavy is the e-pill Dispenser?
The e-pill Automatic Pill Dispenser is not heavy. With medications and batteries it weighs about 1 pound (17 Oz). Select the e-pill Station with Tipper included if the patient has issues with manual dexterity.
You may also consider buying the e-pill Tipper (SKU 991024) as a separate item.
How do I start with e-pill Automatic Dispenser unit?
The unit comes with an easy to use step by step user manual and it is very easy to follow.
Do I need internet at home in order to activate e-pill unit?
No, it is battery powered (batteries last for One (1) Year) and does not need an internet connection.
Will e-pill Med-Time XL continuously tie up a phone line?
NO. The e-pill dispenser does not use the phone line but has a built-in event log showing when each dose was taken.
How do I program e-pill to match my medication schedule?
The unit is setup and programmed by un-locking the unit and entering the current time, number of doses per day and at what time the meds are scheduled.
How tamper resistant is it?
If you think the patient will use force to try to break into the pill dispenser, you should only consider using a tamper resistant automatic pill dispenser such as the e-pill MedTime SAFE.
How is the e-pill dispenser initially setup? Refilled?
Initial setup is easy. You need to set the time, number of doses per day and medication alarm times. Initial setup should take less than five minutes.
Do you have a video that shows me how the e-pill Tipper works?
Yes we do, just follow this link: VIDEO
How Does an e-pill Automatic Pill Dispenser Work?
How Do The Pill Organizer Reminders Work?
1. When the scheduled time arrives, the inside tray will rotate and the alarm is turned on. Once the dispenser is turned upside-down (and the meds pour out landing in the patient's other open hand) the alarm is automatically shut off.
2. The alarm will sound for 60 minutes or until the e-pill Dispenser is picked up and turned over. Alarm duration, selecting different alarm sounds, blinking light etc can be controlled from inside the locked e-pill device.
3. Once the medication has been removed the alarm will automatically stop.
4. If the e-pill automatic pill dispenser has not been emptied, and consequently, the medication has not been taken, the alarm will continue to sound for an hour.
What happens if I open the wrong compartment?
We recommend that the e-pill Automatic Pill Dispenser be kept looked at all times. This way the patient can't open or access a compartment by mistake.
Do you have to have a sound alarm?
No you can set a silent alarm. You can also turn off the blinking light. You may also choose different tones for the sounding alarm. All controls are inside the locked dispenser.
What happens if I forget to take my medications?
If medications are not dispensed at the proper time, the e-pill dispenser will, if you choose, call caregivers and alert them to the fact that a dose was not dispensed
What happens if my prescriptions changes before the next scheduled refill?
There is no problem you can simply refill the unit as many time as necessary.
What if I would like to leave my residence during dosing periods?
The flexibility of e-pill Automatic Pill Dispenser allows you to bring the unit with you or use the EARLY DOSE feature and take out one set of medications early.
What if I would like to visit relatives or go for an extended vacation?
You can take the e-pill dispenser with you when you travel. Please DO NOT FORGET to bring the key.
Can I put my e-pill dispenser in my luggage?
Yes no problem. Just make sure you remove the batteries. Once you get to you destination you must set the time (all other settings are retained).
What about PRN medications?
This e-pill dispenser (e-pill MD1) and the e-pill Station can only handle medications taken on a fixed schedule. Learn more about MD1, MD2, MD2PLUS and MD3.
Who should use this e-pill dispenser?
The e-pill Automatic Pill Dispenser is designed to fill the “gap” between little or no medication assistance and full time medication management with monitoring. This e-pill Medication Reminder (click here for a listing of all e-pill Medication Reminders). Med-Time XL is ideal for individuals that have known, or suspected, medication compliance issues such as forgetfulness, or taking too much, too little, the wrong or wrong day’s medications.
How will e-pill help individuals and their caregivers?
For individuals - a simple way to remember to take the right medication at the right time. For family members and caregivers, the e-pill Automatic Pill Dispenser delivers peace of mind. The reminder and medication security features assure caregivers their loved ones are reminded daily to take their medication safely and securely.
Who installs and maintains e-pill?
The e-pill MD1 (SKU 991019) is designed to be easy to install and maintain. If the individual is currently receiving help with their medications, we recommend that the current caregiver (be it the agency nurse or a family member) installs and maintains the e-pill dispenser. Once installed, some individuals may be able to manage and maintain the unit.
Do you need MONITORING?
An e-pill Monitored Automatic Pill Dispenser offers peace of mind for the Remote Caregiver
Do you Need Monitoring?
If after sixty minutes the medications have not been removed from the e-pill dispenser DIFFERENT MODELS can notify a remote caregiver that meds are late and have not yet been taken. If you need this type of monitoring please take a look at the e-pill MD2 PLUS Automatic Pill Dispenser (994019).
What is the Monthly Cost for Monitoring?
The e-pill MedSmart PLUS (aka MD2 PLUS) has NO MONTHLY FEES and this e-pill Organizer will automatically notify a Remote Care Giver (or several Remote Care Givers) by TEXT message, e-MAIL or by Phone Call.
Do you need Tamper-Proof?
The e-pill CompuMed (aka MD3) is tamper-proof and has NO MONTHLY FEES. This robust has uses a medication tray that needs to be filled weekly. The e-pill CompuMed can dispense up to four (4) times per day and can handle pain medications and Class II Narcotics. MD1, MD2, MD2 PLUS and MD3 all come with two (2) keys and we recommend that they be kept locked at all times (and that the patient is not given access to the key).