News Release Multi-Alarm Pill Box

Contact: Maury Rosenbaum 800-549-0095
e-pill Introduces the Medication Reminder for Dummies
The Multi-Alarm Pill Box Helps Improve Pill Identification & Patient Compliance
Wellesley, MA–May 28, 2003–e-pill, the leading provider of medication reminder, dispenser and organizer products, has just introduced the Multi-Alarm Pill Box, which is as easy to operate as turning on a light switch. It is the first and only compact simple-to-set reminder & practical organizer product available in the United States. The new Multi-Alarm Pill Box is the result of feedback from customers and improvements in already existing e-pill products over the past 5 years.
“In its simplicity, the Multi-Alarm Pill Box is quite innovative” said Stefan Solvell, President of e-pill, LLC. “It is so easy to use that anyone can operate it, so we have dubbed it as the medication reminder for “dummies.”
The Multi-Alarm Pill Box includes many features and benefits as follows:
e-pill medication reminders include electronic pill organizers & automatic dispensers, medicine reminders, multi-alarms, vibrating reminder watches, and compliance recorders. These are designed to lead to better medication management and patient compliance, a growing challenge in the medical & health fields. Some startling statistics are as follows:
Regularly priced at $59.95, the Multi-Alarm Pill Box may be purchased for a limited time at the introductory price of $49.95, including FREE SHIPPING within the USA. To order and for more information, visit the website at or call 800-549-0095.