Press release: 5 Dose Pill Box in Stylish Unisex Clutch Bag for Parkinson’s patients

5 Dose Pill Box in Stylish Unisex Clutch Bag for Parkinson’s patients.
Weekly 5 per day pill box helps improve medication adherence for Parkinson’s patients while traveling and at home.
Wellesley, MA (PRWEB) / August 7, 2012 Hard to find 5 Compartment Pill Box Weekly System in a Clutch Bag is now available for purchase from e-pill Medication Reminders.
“Our e-pill 5 Dose per Day Pill Box helps Parkinson’s patients or any individual taking medications 5 times per day" says Stefan Solvell President and Manager of Boston based e-pill Medication Reminders (legal name e-pill, LLC). “Half of all medications are taken incorrectly. Our newest e-pill Medication Reminder priced at $39.95 looks like a stylish clutch bag and was designed for an active individual taking multiple medications. We also hope this e-pill will become popular with Parkinson’s patients”.
This easy-to-use weekly five doses per day e-pill medication organizer represents a step towards eliminating non-adherence at home, in the office or while traveling. You can combine this pillbox with one of our many e-pill timers or CADEX alarm watches that alert the patient with a sound alarm, discreet vibration, talking voice or flashing light.
All e-pill devices are designed to increase medication adherence and patient compliance, a growing challenge in the medical & health fields. In business since 1999, e-pill Medication Reminders offers a wide variety of devices to meet the needs for any patient group - from simple pill timers to sophisticated locked automatic pill dispensers.
The e-pill 5 per Day Pill Box Weekly Organizer System (SKU 941323) is now available for purchase from, or directly from e-pill Medication Reminders at an introductory sale price of $39.95 (suggested retail is $49.95). All 54 e-pill Medication Reminder devices can be ordered on-line from or by calling toll-free 1-800-549-0095. e-pill is a registered trademark.
e-pill, LLC Stefan Solvell, 781-239-2941 President & Manager