Press Release launch 2009 (090730)

Free advice and resources to help you or a loved one manage all your medications (
Wellesley, MA (PRWEB) July 30, 2009 – A new web destination for hard to find pill dispensers, medication timers and medicine reminders. Affordable and proven medical devices “to help you never forget to take your medications again”. e-pill Medication Reminder’s newest website offers free advice and resources to help people manage all their medications.
"307 different sections will eventually be created to help families manage their medications" says Stefan Solvell President and Manager of Boston based e-pill Medication Reminders (legal name e-pill, LLC). He goes on to say: "During the economic slowdown we have allocated resources to create easy to find advice on pill timers, medicine dispensers and medication reminders. Immediately we have made 117 sections available on our newest website”.
In business since 1999, e-pill Medication Reminder offers a wide variety of devices to meet any medication adherence needs, ranging from simple beeper reminders to electronic pillbox organizers to vibrating wristwatches to very sophisticated automatic pill dispensers. All e-pill devices are designed to lead to better medication adherence and patient compliance, a growing challenge in the medical & health fields:
50% of medications are taken incorrectly 33% take all their meds, 33% take some, 33% don't take any (Rx never filled) 23% of nursing home admissions are due to non-compliance
e-pill Medication Reminders can be ordered by visiting or by calling toll-free 1-800-549-0095.
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Wellesley, MA (PRWEB) July 30, 2009 – A new web destination for hard to find pill dispensers, medication timers and medicine reminders. Affordable and proven medical devices “to help you never forget to take your medications again”. e-pill Medication Reminder’s newest website offers free advice and resources to help people manage all their medications."307 different sections will eventually be created to help families manage their medications" says Stefan Solvell President and Manager of Boston based e-pill Medication Reminders (legal name e-pill, LLC). He goes on to say: "During the economic slowdown we have allocated resources to create easy to find advice on pill timers, medicine dispensers and medication reminders. Immediately we have made 117 sections available on our newest website”.
In business since 1999, e-pill Medication Reminder offers a wide variety of devices to meet any medication adherence needs, ranging from simple beeper reminders to electronic pillbox organizers to vibrating wristwatches to very sophisticated automatic pill dispensers. All e-pill devices are designed to lead to better medication adherence and patient compliance, a growing challenge in the medical & health fields:
50% of medications are taken incorrectly 33% take all their meds, 33% take some, 33% don't take any (Rx never filled) 23% of nursing home admissions are due to non-compliance
e-pill Medication Reminders can be ordered by visiting or by calling toll-free 1-800-549-0095.
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