Reduce Rehospitalizations due to Medication Non-Adherence

Home health intervention with medication management can reduce hospital readmissions by as much as 8%, according to a joint study from national home healthcare provider Amedisys and Purdue University.
Non-Adherence is the major controllable cause of preventable rehospitalizations.
The study reveals that a patient population utilizing medication intervention post-discharge had a 4% hospital admission rate, compared to 12% admission rate for those in the control group. Of the 895 total patients included in the survey, each was taking at least 12 or more medications.
The findings suggest a correlation between the total number of medications an individual is taking and the possible risk of re-hospitalization that might occur.
On discharge, the staff members print the most recent medication list from the electronic health record and then indicate next to each medication whether it is to be stopped or continued.
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Instructions for
how medications should be taken must be clearly stated. Instruction manuals must be easy to understand.
The study reveals that a patient population utilizing medication intervention post-discharge had a 4% hospital admission rate, compared to 12% admission rate for those in the control group. Of the 895 total patients included in the survey, each was taking at least 12 or more medications.
The findings suggest a correlation between the total number of medications an individual is taking and the possible risk of re-hospitalization that might occur.