e-pill MedTime SAFE Introduction Video

Tamperresistant e-pill MedTime SAFE Locked Automatic Pill Dispenser with up to Six (6) Daily Alarms (patent pending).
6 Alarm Automatic Medication Dispenser / Automatic Schedule II / III Pain Pill Medicine Dispenser for Home, Institutional use or Drug Rehabilitation use (Drug Rehab) with SECURE Lock. Dispense up to Six (6) Times per Day.
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30-Day Money Back Guarantee and One (1) Year Warranty. FREE Standard SHIPPING. Never forget or double dose again! Prevent medication errors. | ORDER
Automatic Pillbox (e-pill SAFE SKU 998034) was developed to help families and healthcare professionals manage patients addicted to pain pills and other Rx medications.
Shot 1 - Intro
Today, we'll show you the Tamper Resistant e-pill MedTime SAFE by e-pill Medication Reminders, the leading provider of devices that improve medication adherence.
Shot 2 - What is the Product Perfect For?
The e-pill MedTime SAFE is a locked automated pill dispenser that only allows patient access to the right dose at the right time, every day.
Shot 3 - Main Features
This locked secure pill dispenser was developed to help families and healthcare professionals manage patients taking pain or antipsychotic medications as well as patients in drug rehabilitation. It is secure, easy-to-use, and easy for the caregiver to set up. This device will help prevent double-dosing and medication mismanagement.
Shot 4 - Detail of Feature
When it is time for the patient to take their medication, a loud alarm melody and flashing light will remind them. The medication is dispensed when the patient turns the device upside-down and the pills fall into their hand, or into a cup.
Shot 5/6 - Detail of 2nd Feature/Components
The pill dispenser is inside a secure metal case with double walls. The caregiver can easily remove the dispenser and open it up to fill it with medication doses. All controls are conveniently hidden inside the locked pill dispenser.
This system features 4 independent locks. It includes a locked pill dispenser and a metal case with a lid lock, padlock, and location lock. All keys are included in two sets.
Shot 7 - Contact Info Call e-pill Medication Reminders today so we can help you find a locked tamper resistant pill dispenser.
Visit us online www.epill.com or call 1-800-549-0095
6 Alarm Automatic Medication Dispenser / Automatic Schedule II / III Pain Pill Medicine Dispenser for Home, Institutional use or Drug Rehabilitation use (Drug Rehab) with SECURE Lock. Dispense up to Six (6) Times per Day.
30-Day Money Back Guarantee and One (1) Year Warranty. FREE Standard SHIPPING. Never forget or double dose again! Prevent medication errors. | ORDER
Automatic Pillbox (e-pill SAFE SKU 998034) was developed to help families and healthcare professionals manage patients addicted to pain pills and other Rx medications.
Shot 1 - Intro
Today, we'll show you the Tamper Resistant e-pill MedTime SAFE by e-pill Medication Reminders, the leading provider of devices that improve medication adherence.
Shot 2 - What is the Product Perfect For?
The e-pill MedTime SAFE is a locked automated pill dispenser that only allows patient access to the right dose at the right time, every day.
Shot 3 - Main Features
This locked secure pill dispenser was developed to help families and healthcare professionals manage patients taking pain or antipsychotic medications as well as patients in drug rehabilitation. It is secure, easy-to-use, and easy for the caregiver to set up. This device will help prevent double-dosing and medication mismanagement.
Shot 4 - Detail of Feature
When it is time for the patient to take their medication, a loud alarm melody and flashing light will remind them. The medication is dispensed when the patient turns the device upside-down and the pills fall into their hand, or into a cup.
Shot 5/6 - Detail of 2nd Feature/Components
The pill dispenser is inside a secure metal case with double walls. The caregiver can easily remove the dispenser and open it up to fill it with medication doses. All controls are conveniently hidden inside the locked pill dispenser.
This system features 4 independent locks. It includes a locked pill dispenser and a metal case with a lid lock, padlock, and location lock. All keys are included in two sets.
Shot 7 - Contact Info Call e-pill Medication Reminders today so we can help you find a locked tamper resistant pill dispenser.