e-pill on NBC Today Show

Contact: Stefan Solvell
Wellesley, MA—June 23, 2005 --e-pill, the leading provider of medication reminder products, had its e-pill Multi-Alarm Pill Box featured on NBC Today Show.
Americans over the age of 50 make up almost 80 percent of all leisure travel spending. But for those who suffer from physical limitations, travel can be difficult and frustrating. Jim Miller, editor of the Savvy Senior syndicated newspaper column, was invited on “NBC Today Show” to share handy tips and gadgets that can help make your travel safer and easier.
The NBC Today show featured the e-pill Medication Reminder Multi-Alarm Pill Box and goes on to call it: “The perfect traveling medication reminder! Helps you organize all your daily pills, and reminds you when to take them with a loud alarm that can alert you up to 37 times per day”.
“The e-pill Multi-Alarm Pill Box Medication Reminder is an innovative device that addresses important issues facing patients and healthcare professionals trying to improve medication compliance”, said Stefan Solvell, President of e-pill, “Taking the right medications and taking them on time”.
These are designed to lead to better medication management and patient compliance, a growing challenge in the health & medical field. Some startling statistics are as follows:50% of all prescriptions are taken incorrectly
33% of patients take all their medications, 33% take some, 33% don't take any at all (Rx prescription never filled)
23% of nursing home admissions are due to non-compliance
For more information or to order any e-pill Medication Reminder, visit the website http://www.epill.com or call 1-800-549-0095 (+1-781-239-8255 from overseas).
“The perfect traveling medication reminder”
e-pill device featured on NBC Today Television Show
Wellesley, MA—June 23, 2005 --e-pill, the leading provider of medication reminder products, had its e-pill Multi-Alarm Pill Box featured on NBC Today Show.
NBC Today's Jim Miller
Under the title “Forever Young” NBC Today Show's Jim Miller featured helpful gadgets for older travelers.Americans over the age of 50 make up almost 80 percent of all leisure travel spending. But for those who suffer from physical limitations, travel can be difficult and frustrating. Jim Miller, editor of the Savvy Senior syndicated newspaper column, was invited on “NBC Today Show” to share handy tips and gadgets that can help make your travel safer and easier.
The NBC Today show featured the e-pill Medication Reminder Multi-Alarm Pill Box and goes on to call it: “The perfect traveling medication reminder! Helps you organize all your daily pills, and reminds you when to take them with a loud alarm that can alert you up to 37 times per day”.
NBC Today Show's Al Roper: "I like this"
Al Roper says "I like this" and "my mom takes a number of pills". Al Roper goes on to explain that the e-pill Multi-Alarm Pill Box is especially [for someone] taking a lot of medications. Al concludes by saying "this is good".“The e-pill Multi-Alarm Pill Box Medication Reminder is an innovative device that addresses important issues facing patients and healthcare professionals trying to improve medication compliance”, said Stefan Solvell, President of e-pill, “Taking the right medications and taking them on time”.
Award Winning e-pill Multi-Alarm Pill Box
The award winning e-pill Multi-Alarm Pill Box is priced at $49.95 each and features an easy to set pill timer with up to 37 daily alarms and a slide out pillbox with safety lock. The e-pill Multi-Alarm Pill Box can be ordered on-line (www.epill.com) or by calling toll-free 1-800-549-0095. e-pill products include pill organizers & automatic dispensers, electronic medicine reminders, multi-alarms, vibrating reminder watches, and compliance recorders. Prices begin at $24.95.These are designed to lead to better medication management and patient compliance, a growing challenge in the health & medical field. Some startling statistics are as follows:
For more information or to order any e-pill Medication Reminder, visit the website http://www.epill.com or call 1-800-549-0095 (+1-781-239-8255 from overseas).