TV NBC Today Show features e-pill Medication Reminders

NBC Today Television Show:
High-tech Gadgets for Baby Boomers
e-pill Medication Reminders featured on NBC Today Show June 24, 2006: Link to NBC Today ShowLifestyle gerontologist Alexis Abramson features products customized for hearing loss, medication needs and more
Over half of baby boomers will turn fifty this year, and many are looking for high-tech gadgets to make their lives easier — from motion sensor monitoring devices to hearing aid remote control watches — there's something for everyone. Alexis Abramson, a lifestyle gerontologist, shares the latest gadgets for baby boomers .....
Casio Travel Vibrating Alarm Clock with Pill Case This product has an alarm timer and pill storage case, which can be separated and has five compartments. The display reads very clearly for those with low vision and also has a LED backlight for viewing at night. The medication pill box fits in one's pocket or purse. $49.95, available at
Medglider Talking Pill Case. This electronic pill case cues you every 4-6 hours, 24 hours a day, or as prescribed. At the times you set, the relevant number icon blinks, the pillbox timer beeps, talks or flashes, and you slide the door to retrieve your medication. Instructions are included; $49.95, available at